About WBCA
WHO ARE WE? The West Bradley Citizens’ Association (WBCA) is an unincorporated non-profit, non-partisan civic organization established in the late 1950’s. It represents most of the 600 families in the Bethesda, Maryland community bounded by the Beltway (east), River Road (south), Bradley Blvd. (north) and Cabin John Regional Park (west).
WHAT DO WE DO? Our main goal is to preserve the residential character of our community. WBCA has taken the lead in saving our local elementary school and stopping commercial development and road expansion. We provide residents with prompt communication, especially in case of emergency. To access our email listserv, contact WestBradleyCitizensAssociation-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. To view website, go to http://www.westbradley.org. To subscribe to ourĀ discussion listserv for tips on local services and other issues, contact sevenlocks-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Our Board of Directors acts in behalf of the community by contacting County officials, testifying at local hearings, and taking legal action. We collect membership dues periodically to cover expenses. Our Neighbors’ Network of volunteers provides outreach for those needing assistance. We stand ready to support new ideas to help make West Bradley the community you want!
- Sandy Vogelgesang (president) — 301-365-2347; everest.associates@erols.com
- Carl Koenig (vice president/treasurer) — 301-365-2744; K1111US99@yahoo.com
- Claudia Bonangelino — 301-469-1910; Claudiabonangelino@yahoo.com
- Josefina Bonangelino — 301-469-8632; bonangelinojosefina@yahoo.com
- J.J. MacNab (website/discussion listserv moderator) — 301-767-1086; jj@deathandtaxes.com
- Bill Miller — 301-365-0692; bill@theazaleaworks.com
- Marilyn Rose — 301-365-5757; mhrose@verizon.net
- Jane Ross — 301-469-0474; jmr2000@msn.com
- David Tiktinsky (listserv manager) — 301-365-2812; DHT444@yahoo.com
- Ralph Wilson — 301-469-6515; rwilson9118@yahoo.com
- Colleen Wordock — 301-365-0249; cwordock@bloomberg.net
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Participate in community activities and send form below to: Sandy Vogelgesang (9009 Charred Oak Dr., Bethesda, MD 20817) so that we have an up-to-date neighborhood listserv. Please include email!
Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________________________
E-mail ___________________________________________________