Archive for the 'General' Category

Yard Sale Map

Friday, May 1st, 2009

Neighbors in the community represented by the West Bradley Citizens’ Association are holding their first annual YARD SALE this Saturday, May 2, 8 AM – Noon. Thanks to Dana Hollish Hill for organizing this event!

There will be sale tables set up at 22 homes on both sides of Seven Locks Road, from Cindy Lane to Rosehill Drive. Merchandise will include everything from children’s toys and books to Tibetan antiques. It’s a great time to find that special gift for Mother’s Day!

Map of the homes participating

Community Yard Sale May 2, 2009

Monday, April 27th, 2009

Our first-ever Community Yard Sale is ON! It will be held this Saturday, May 2, 8 AM-Noon.

Each participating family is invited to set up their own sale in front of their home. Dana Hollish Hill is organizing the event and will place advertisements and put up signs directing people to the neighborhood.

Dana has set this Wednesday, April 29, as the deadline for being included in the map highlighting where all the sales will take place. Although most families that have signed up so far live west of Seven Locks, participants from east of Seven Locks are welcome as well. To contact Dana, phone her at 202-271-5301 or drop information in her mailbox (7912 Robison Road).

Whether you are planning a sale or not, do come out this Saturday! It will be a great time to meet neighbors, new and old, and celebrate Spring!

Burglary Alert – Update

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

First, on a happy note, if you have not had the opportunity to enjoy West Bradley’s own cherry blossom festival, do take the time to stroll down Cindy Lane and the surrounding area. The pink and white blossoms are at their peak.

Second, District 1 Police Captain McSwain has provided the update below on the incident in nearby Potomac reported on March 23. While encouraged, the police advise continuing prudence.

• On Saturday, April 4, at 9:00 p.m., 1st District Officers responded to the 10500 block of Bridle Lane for the report of unknown subjects ringing the doorbell of a complainant. Similar to the previously reported incidents below, no one was seen when the homeowner inquired. Soon thereafter, officers found three juveniles (14-15 years of age) in the community who admitted that they were out ringing doorbells as a prank. All three juveniles live within the community.

• On the same night, 1st District Officers responded to 11300 block of Gainsborough Road for the report of four (4) subjects wearing ski masks. It was approx. 1230 a.m. when this call was dispatched. Within a short time span, officers located all four individuals near the intersection of Tuckerman Lane and Willowbrook Drive. Each subject was wearing a ski mask at the time and all were identified as juveniles (16-17 years). They too mentioned their purpose for being out that late was to conduct pranks. Officers made contact with parents regarding the actions of the juveniles. Two (2) of the four (4) in this group live near Brickyard Road, while the other two are from the Gainsborough area.

Although we do not have direct evidence that ties any of the juveniles to the previously reported Rock Run incident, there is good circumstantial evidence to suggest the same. However, I encourage you to continue to exercise good personal safety habits at all times. The Rockville Investigative Section will follow-up on both incidents and ensure all applicable parents are aware of the recent police encounters.

Feel free to share this information with your neighbors.


Capt. McSwain

Captain Darryl W. McSwain, Commander
1st District Station
1451 Seven Locks Road
Rockville, Maryland 20854
Phone 240-773-6070

Neighborhood Yard Sale

Monday, March 30th, 2009

WHEN? Saturday, May 2, 8:00 AM – Noon

WHERE? Each participating family is invited to set up their own sale in front of their home. Dana will place advertisements on craigslist and in the Washington POST and put up signs directing people to the neighborhood.

HOW? If you want to participate, email Dana at letting her know your contact information (address, phone number) and what you plan to sell or drop that information in her mailbox (7912 Robison Road). Dana will create a map that highlights the participating homes. If you have any questions, call Dana at (202) 271-5301.

New Services for West Bradley Community!

Sunday, December 21st, 2008

In response to requests from residents, we are announcing the opportunity for two new services:

 ANNUAL LEAF COLLECTION. The West Bradley neighborhood is adjacent to the County Leaf Vacuuming District and thus qualifies for inclusion in that service if 80 percent of its residents petition for this service. There is an annual fee for the service which will appear in the “solid waste charge” line of your property tax bill. For the service year 2008, the charge was $93.04. That charge may increase slightly each year. If the neighborhood becomes part of the Leaf Vacuuming District, all you will need to do to dispose of your fallen leaves is make sure that they are gathered in piles at the edge of your street. Pick-up occurs twice during the Fall. Greg Barr and J.J. MacNab, residents in West Bradley, have volunteered to lead this petition drive. They are looking to Street Captains in our Neighborhood Network and others to help distribute the petition over the next month or so. See our website ( for names of Street Captains for your block or nearby blocks. For questions on the Leaf Collection, contact Greg Barr (

 BABYSITTING. Since more families with young children are moving into the neighborhood, there has been the request for a list of local babysitters that could be distributed only to people who live in the West Bradley area. If you would like to add a name to the babysitter list, send a private email to J.J. MacNab ( and include the sitter’s name, age, telephone number, email address, street address, and any special information that you want to provide (experience, good with infants, allergic to pets, etc.) If you want to receive the babysitter list once it is set up with periodic updates as appropriate, also send J.J. a private email saying that you want to receive the list. Please include your name and street address in your email.

 OTHER ITEMS. Let us know if there are other services that might be helpful – Help with pets while you are away? Access to County services for aging in place? Also stay tuned for notices of social events that some blocks are organizing to help bring our community together during this time of year. And, to one and all, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Quick Updates

Tuesday, December 9th, 2008

Help Support and Design Your Community School! You will have one last chance to voice your views about the new school in our community. The Montgomery County Public School staff and architects will present draft designs this week for the new school that will be built on the site of the current Seven Locks Elementary School. If you have young children, you will want to see and influence what is planned. Even if you do not have school-age children, this is your opportunity to help shape the building that will stand at the intersection of Seven Locks and Bradley. Many of you fought hard to preserve this neighborhood school. Attending this meeting will help underscore the importance which our community attaches to the Seven Locks school and recreation area. Do come! Date: Tuesday, December 9. Time: 7:00 PM Place: Seven Locks Elementary School Multi-purpose Room.

Crime Alert. Remember to remain alert to crime, since it tends to increase at this time of year and since we continue to have reported incidents in our neighborhood. Some of the break-ins of cars have been quite professional – with alarm systems deactivated before thieves took lap-tops and air-bags. Note also that crime is on the increase at our local malls. So take special precautions for your personal safety and lock your car at Cabin John Mall and Montgomery Mall.

Holiday Greetings! This community has really come together this year – with a new website (, expanded email listserv and Neighborhood Network. Keep up the great work as we proceed with more programs (from leaf collection and references for baby-sitting and repair service) to more social gatherings and initiatives to help some age in place. And, to all of you, Warm Holiday Greetings!

November-December 2008 Update

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008


CRIME: The suspect in the Havenstein murder is in jail, pending the court date for his trial. Although he has been caught, County police advise residents to remain vigilant regarding other crime. One alert WBCA resident’s report of a stolen laptop was key to breaking the homicide case! Report any suspicious behavior – since there is some evidence of increasing crime in the area (including at Cabin John and Montgomery Malls). Call 911 or the general crime number (301-279-8000).

NEIGHBORHOOD FOLLOW-UP ON SECURTY SITUATION: One WBCA goal has been to achieve something positive from the tragic event that occurred this fall – namely, a greater sense of community and connection. We have thus taken the following actions:

 Doubled our email listserv so that we can reach more of you faster, especially in case of an emergency.
 Established a West Bradley website – thanks to J.J. MacNab! Check it out at
 Set up Neighbors’ Network – thanks to all who have volunteered to gather contact information on the blocks where you live, hold social events, and identify priorities on your street!

SCHOOLS: There are two more opportunities to voice your view on the new school, scheduled to replace the current Seven Locks Elementary School by January 2012. The Montgomery County Public Schools staff will hold open meetings on Tuesday, November 18 (3:30 PM) and on Tuesday, December 9 (7:00 PM) at Seven Locks School – showing draft designs for the expanded facility and proposals for new traffic access to the site. Due to budget shortfalls for school construction, WBCA has testified before the County School Board supporting the Seven Locks project.

PROPERTY TAXES: Want to know how your property taxes are assessed and how to appeal them? If so, sign up to attend seminar offered by the Montgomery County Civic Federation (the umbrella organization of community organizations to which WBCA belongs). The seminar will be held on Saturday, December 6, 9-11:30 AM, in the first floor auditorium of the County Council Office Building, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville. Free parking in the adjacent garage. Small fee may be assessed to cover costs of materials and light refreshments. If interested, rsvp to or

OTHER ISSUES: Although some WBCA residents already enjoy County leaf vacuuming service each fall, most do not. Those interested in getting that service (covered by a small charge in your County tax bill) will have the opportunity to sign a petition being prepared by WBCA resident Greg Barr. Let us know other ways that YOUR civic association can help YOU! Interested in more lighting or police surveillance? Programs for aging in place? Information on reliable repair services? We are here to serve you!

About WBCA

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008


The West Bradley Citizens’ Association (WBCA) is an unincorporated non-profit, non-partisan civic organization established in the late 1950’s. It represents most of the 600 families in the Bethesda, Maryland community bounded by the Beltway (east), River Road (south), Bradley Blvd. (north) and Cabin John Regional Park (west).


We hold meetings or circulate bulletins on issues affecting the community. Current issues of concern include: new building for Seven Locks Elementary School, traffic along Seven Locks Road, and increased local crime. Our elected Board of Directors acts in behalf of residents by contacting County or State officials, testifying at local hearings, or taking legal action. We collect membership dues to cover expenses. We have a network of volunteers for each street to improve outreach and we are exploring programs to help interested seniors and others remain in their homes. More ideas welcome!


  • Sandy Vogelgesang (president) – 301-365-2347
  • Carl Koenig (vice president/treasurer) – 301-469-9189
  • David Tiktinsky (listserv manager) – 301-365-2812
  • Jane Ross – 301-469-0474
  • Sara Lowen – 301-365-5245
  • Ralph Wilson – 301-469-6515


Participate in community activities, sign up for updates on our email list, chat with your neighbors in our new forum, and join our growing organization!