Community Yard Sale May 2, 2009
Our first-ever Community Yard Sale is ON! It will be held this Saturday, May 2, 8 AM-Noon.
Each participating family is invited to set up their own sale in front of their home. Dana Hollish Hill is organizing the event and will place advertisements and put up signs directing people to the neighborhood.
Dana has set this Wednesday, April 29, as the deadline for being included in the map highlighting where all the sales will take place. Although most families that have signed up so far live west of Seven Locks, participants from east of Seven Locks are welcome as well. To contact Dana, phone her at 202-271-5301 or drop information in her mailbox (7912 Robison Road).
Whether you are planning a sale or not, do come out this Saturday! It will be a great time to meet neighbors, new and old, and celebrate Spring!